Garnet Football Fan Buses For Saturday Game vs. Somers

Students can hop aboard the football fan bus Saturday to watch the Garnets meet Somers. Buses leave 5:15pm Saturday and cost $15/student. Details below.

Garnet football

From the school: We have arranged for three (3) buses to arrive in front of
the Rye Middle School at 5pm this Saturday (11/9/13) to depart for Rye's
Section One Championship football game against Somers HS, which is being played
at Mahopac HS at 7pm. Departure time for the bus from Rye MS will be at 515pm.
Please note that an adult supervisor will be present on each bus.The cost will
be $15 per student. This cost will cover an $8 ticket to the game as well as
the bus fare. The cost of three buses is exorbitant so the Rye Football
Association will subsidize the total cost of the buses to keep the cost
reasonable. Please also note that any child who cannot afford the $15 fee but
wants to attend the game should email Mrs O'Malley at the below email address
and the Rye Football Association will pick up the cost.

If you are interested in securing a bus ride and ticket to
the game, you can reserve a spot by emailing Mrs. Joanne O'Malley at
[email protected]. Please provide your name, age, and cell phone number.

The money will be collected by the adult supervisor on the
bus when the student first arrives. The game tickets will be distributed by the
adult supervisor when the bus arrives at Mahopac HS. Please note that game time
is at 7pm. Accordingly, your child should be getting back to Rye after the game
at approximately 11pm.    

Additionally, every child should bring his/her cell phone so
that they can be reached by a parent or the adult supervisor. Please also note
that Mahopac is approximately 40 miles north of Rye and the temperature from
7-930pm may dip into the 30's. Accordingly, please make sure your child dresses
appropriately. Lastly, since this is a school sponsored event, all school rules
and policies relating to behavior apply. We thank you for your outstanding
support throughout this remarkable season and view you the fans as part of our
football family. GO GARNETS !!!!!!!!  


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