Letter: A Democrat for Joe Sack

This letter to the editor is from Rye resident Doug Carey:

Leadership comes from  a combination of several factors including but not limited to; integrity, character, service to others, scholarship and trustworthiness, as well as having a vision that one can articulate and communicate and the work ethic and perseverance to overcome obstacles no matter how large.

Our community of the City of Rye, whose roots run deep and long over the past 350+ years, finds ourselves at a crossroad between open, inclusive governing and more of the closed-door, sweep-the-problem-under-the-rug leadership. We need a Leader on our City Council who will listen to all of our voices, to make sure everyone’s needs are heard and a Leader who will have the patience and the commitment to remember that he or she serves the people, not that the people serve the members of the Council. We need Leadership that will view  the process and the end result as equally important and not a governing board that will that will retreat from the public eye and try to expand the legal use of executive sessions. 

As a Rye resident, who first moved to Rye from United Hospital hours after birth, as a Democrat, who first began walking door-to door campaigning with my father during the Kennedy Administration and has served as a district leader for over 15 years, as a citizen who believes Democracy is not a spectator sport, I support and will vote for Councilman Joe Sack to be our Mayor of Rye on Tuesday November 5th. 

Joe Sack is a Leader that I can count on to do as he promises, Joe Sack understands commitment and how important his word is to others. Joe Sack is a Leader that I can trust to conduct meetings in a fair and equitable manner so that our City Council of Rye will earn back the people’s trust with open and transparent proceedings. Joe Sack is a Leader who will regain the confidence of our City professional personnel with fair, honest communication and decisions. Joe Sack will be a Mayor who will be a Leader not only in good times moreover during times of crisis seen and unforeseen. Joe Sack will be a Mayor who has earned the trust not only of his  supporters but will earn the trust of those  who would like someone else to lead, because of Joe’s  integrity, honesty and the strength of his resolve.

Joe Sack is someone I have supported and voted for twice and I urge all of you, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independence, Working Families member or unaffiliated with a political party, to vote for Joe Sack for Mayor of Rye. We have many issues that still are unresolved, yet Joe Sack has and will continue to seek the truth and listen and try to bring all players and stakeholders together to resolve our challenges and to build a brighter future for all Rye residents. Be it Rye Golf Club, our city’s infrastructure, our short and long term economic plans and the future of Rye as a community, Joe Sack will work hard to protect our interests both present and future.

The Joe Sack I know is a man who has quietly volunteered his time at almost every Summerfest Field Day and Fourth of July Observance that Leaders of Tomorrow has held over the past 6 years. The Joe Sack I know has volunteered to represent Rye in several of our historical programs including the Rye 350 reenactment of the founding of Rye and as recently as last month performing in the Flashbacks Musical on the stage of the Capitol Theater to help 500 fourth graders understand the importance of community. The Joe Sack I know has been a kind, considerate person who does not have a mean bone in his body, yet a tough negotiator who isn't afraid to stand up for justice.

On Tuesday November 5, please join me in voting for Joe Sack as our next Mayor, the Leader that we need now and for the next four years. We will all benefit from his Leadership at the helm of our ship called Rye.


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