Doug’s Final Details, Money, VOTE YES, Pick’in Up A Deal & More: Items on the Rye City Council Agenda for December 18, 2013

Heather     Pattersoncityhall

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 is out.

There will be regular meeting held by the City Council of the City of Rye on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, at 8:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Office Hours of the Mayor by appointment by emailing [email protected].

Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 31 agenda items.

  • Doug's Final Details. Mayor’s Management Report: Capital Projects Update; Legal Update
  • Wrinkle City? Petition of Lazz Development/Pawling Holdings to change the zoning designation of County-owned property located on Theodore Avenue and North Street to the RA-5 District to provide for the construction of affordable senior housing.
  • The People's Money. Presentation by the Finance Committee of the Citizen’s Budget.
  • More of The People's Money. Continuation of the Public hearing on the proposed 2014 Budget.
  • Show Me The People's Money. Resolution to adopt the 2014 Budget and establish the 2014 tax levy and 2014 tax rate. Roll Call.
  • Clearly Clary? Resolution to add Chapter 177, “Taxation”, Article XII “Exemption for Historic Districts” to the Rye City Code to provide tax exemptions for improvements to historic properties.
  • Smoke Condition. Continuation of Public Hearing to adopt a local law to amend Chapter 197 Article IV “Use Regulations” and Article VI “Appeals” to establish regulations regarding outdoor fire pits and outdoor kitchens.
  • McMansion. Resolution to amend changes to local law Chapter 197, Zoning, of the Rye City Code,
    Section §197-1, “Definitions and Usage”, to amend the definition of “STORY, HALF”, and Section §197-43.2, Subsection B, “Attics” to amend the Calculation of Attics in Gross Floor Area.
  • Presentation at the Meeting About Another Meeting… Presentation by the Playland Advisory Committee on the Sustainable Playland meeting held on December 11, 2013.
  • Open Mic. A Crowd Favorite. Residents may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the agenda.
  • Request for People. Resolution to establish the Whitby Castle Committee to oversee the response and negotiations to the Rye Golf Club’s RFP for Whitby Castle.
  • VOTE YES. Consideration to amend the Resolution to televise all City Council meetings to include Land Use and Enterprise Fund meetings of the City of Rye.
  • Money Shuffle. Resolution authorizing the City Comptroller to make the necessary year-end closing transfers. Roll Call.
  • Book It! Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Rye Free Reading Room to furnish library services for 2014. Roll Call
  • Pick'in Up A Deal. Resolution authorizing contractual updates for the City Manager’s 2010 employment agreement.
  • Diary. Resolution designating the days and time of regular meetings of the City Council for 2014
    setting January 8, 2014 as the first regular meeting.
  • Patronage. Four appointments to the Board of Architectural Review for a three-year term, by the Mayor with Council approval.
  • Drive On! Consideration of a request by the Rye Free Reading Room for use of the Village Green and City Hall Parking lot to host the Annual Vehicle Fair on Sunday, May 4, 2014 from 11:30
    a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Yes Already. Consideration of a request by the Westchester County chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to have a ribbon initiative in the Central Business District during the month of May 2014.
  • EBay It. Resolution to declare the following RTV equipment as surplus: Knox Video router, Power
    Mac G4 computer, and Mackie Audio Board.
  • The Start of a Tradition. Yes. Consideration of a request by the American Legion Post 128 and the Ladies Auxiliary of Post 128 to approve a parade to commemorate Memorial Day to be held on Monday, May 26, 2014 from 9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2013 at 8:00pm.


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