Next Heard in Rye Lecture 1/30: “Parenting in the Age of the Image – What Every Parent Should Know”

The next Heard in Rye event, entitled “Parenting in the Age of the Image – What Every Parent Should Know”, is scheduled for Thursday, January 30th, 2014 at 7:30pm at The Osborn, 101 Theall Road, Rye (not The Osborn School but The Osborn Retirement Community):

Steve Apkon photo by-lynda_shenkman_curtis

“Parenting in the Age of the Image – What Every Parent Should Know” will be the topic presented by Heard in Rye’s January speaker Stephen Apkon. An expert in the area of film and education, Mr. Apkon will explore ways in which parents can help prepare their children to use the world of visual media – television, movies, the Internet, etc. – positively and contribute as creators rather than just consumers. 

Imagery has evolved, and through technological advancements, our children are growing up with greater opportunities to make an impact as both storytellers and producers. Mr. Apkon will discuss how one can literally change the world by simply having a phone with a camera and a sensibility to share what is created with the right people. He will point out that when today’s adults were growing up, literacy meant learning to read and write. In addition to these important skills, Mr. Apkon will explain why it is essential for today’s children to also be digitally literate in order to be successful in the world in which they are growing up. As Mr. Apkon shares his knowledge regarding digital literacy, parents will learn about unique opportunities for this new generation of ‘screenagers’.

Mr. Apkon is the Founder and Executive Director of The Jacob Burns Film Center, a non-profit film and educational organization located in Pleasantville, N.Y.  He also authored the book, The Age of the Image, which concentrates on the meaning of literacy in a world of screens. 

All are welcome to attend this interesting and thought-provoking presentation on Thursday, January 30, at 7:30 p.m. at The Osborn*, located at 101 Theall Road in Rye. The first fifty attendees will receive a complimentary copy of The Age of the Image.

Heard in Rye is sponsored by the parents’ organizations of public, independent, and nursery schools in Rye, Rye Neck, Rye Brook and other neighboring communities, as well as the Rye YMCA and the Rye Police Benevolent Association.

Photo credit: Lynda Shenkman Curtis


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