Sack State of the City Address: “We Are Built on a Solid Foundation”

Joe Sack, new Rye City Mayor, delivered his State of the City Address tonight at the city council chambers.

Sack State of City

Saying "we are built on a solid foundation" Sack mentioned the following top issues:

  • Police union arbitration
  • Playland
  • Proposed senior assisted living facility
  • Rye Golf Club – employee theft insurance + RFP review (for Whitby)
  • Infrastructure from the 2012 bond
  • Infrastructure including train station and a courthouse renovation
  • a "tighter ship" with council access to city documents and city departments heads
  • flood mitigation, with a mention of the county airport
  • financial discipline including managing healthcare and pension costs

We have requested a transcript from Sack and will post this if it is provided. The webcast of the Sack speech was interrupted briefly during his talk of Playland when Rye TV switched the live signal to PSA (public service announcement) messages.


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