Next Heard in Rye Lecture: Dads & Kids

“Modern Dads’ Dilemma: How to Stay Connected with Your Kids in a Rapidly Changing World”

Next Heard in Rye Lecture
Thursday, April 3, 7:30 p.m. Blind Brook High School  and
Friday, April 4, 9:15 a.m. Christ Church in Rye

The role of fathers in the 21st century has shifted from what it was in the past, when today’s parents were growing up. This is a change that impacts children’s lives and must not be overlooked. So what should dads be doing to strengthen the relationships with their sons and daughters? The answer to this and many other related questions will be addressed during the next Heard in Rye lecture, “Modern Dads’ Dilemma: How to Stay Connected with Your Kids in a Rapidly Changing World.” John Badalament, an expert on the topic, will be sharing his insight regarding modern parenting, focusing on the importance of dads.

John Badalament

Now is the time for fathers to create the bonds with their children that will have a long-lasting impact, and Mr. Badalament will offer suggestions and strategies to help families meet the challenges that exist today. He will discuss the Six Practices for The Modern Parent, the latest research about the many ways dads impact their children, techniques to communicate openly, and much more. There will be valuable information provided for all situations; Mr. Badalament will share examples of how women can support their children’s dad in doing his best, ways men can make a difference in the lives of children growing up without a father-figure, and advice for divorced parents.

Mr. Badalament, who currently serves as Program Director for “The Fatherhood Project” at Massachusetts General Hospital, has spent decades speaking and consulting with schools, agencies, and organizations. He authored the book, Modern Dad’s Dilemma: How to Stay Connected with Your Kids in a Rapidly Changing World, and directed the PBS documentary, All Men Are Sons: Exploring the Legacy of Fatherhood. Mr. Badalament was recognized in the New York Times by the Family Violence Prevention Fund’s Heroes in 2009 and 2010, and has participated in a number of initiatives, committees, and organizations including the Ties Never Broken Campaign partnership with the White House, Voice Male Magazine Board of Advisors, and New England Fathering Conference Planning Board.

All are welcome to attend this presentation on Thursday, April 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the Blind Brook High School Auditorium located at 840 King Street in Rye Brook.   A special morning session will be held, Friday, April 4 at 9:15 a.m. at Christ Church in Rye.


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