Rye Schools Security Update

The last Rye School Board meeting on February 25th had this update on school security – these initiatives were started after Newtown:

"The District's Facilities Director Sam Carder discussed measures that have been taken to address elements recommended by StoneGate Associates, the District's security consultants.

He explained that one of the security projects had been put out to bid and the District is seeking State contractor pricing as well. Public Announcement system upgrades are also being quoted through the State Education Department contractor.

The District has additionally received pricing for 3M security film, a preventative film applied to glass to deter forced entry. All current door hardware was fixed and confirmed to work, classroom numbers are now prominently displayed in all windows. Exterior lighting in all the schools has been repaired and some lighting has been added. Exterior doors remain locked.

Lastly, Mr. Carder explained that floor plans of all buildings in the District were provided to Rye City Police Department, which has conducted drills to familiarize officers with the school layouts."


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