Jason Mehler Will Run For Rye School Board

He ran for City Council last fall and came in dead last with six percent of the vote.

It was his second time running for Rye City Council.

His wife Carin, a teacher for the Osborn Elementary School, was swept up in the "testing irregularities" scandal a year ago and just last month initiated a lawsuit against the school district and most of the board of education  members.

Met your new candidate for Rye City Board of Education (Vote is May 20th), Jason Mehler…

What do you think? Submit a comment below.

Here is his announcement. Here is an interview with Mehler and MyRye.com from last fall when he ran for council.

"An abuse of power and abuse of our tax dollars by the current Board of Education has gone unchecked for too long. It is for this reason – and many others – that I announce my candidacy for the school board in the Rye City School District.

Mehler head sot

While the district faces a $3.8 million budget shortfall, waste continues. As a real estate agent in this community, not a day goes by that I don't hear complaints from seniors, especially those on a fixed income, that this present board acts as though it holds a blank check. While resources for many necessary programs and services have been cut, the board continues to make irrational decisions about where to spend our money. This type of behavior HAS TO STOP.

Superintendent Alvarez repeatedly uses the term "fiscal responsibility" in his email blasts and newspaper articles but in reality, none is demonstrated. My business experience – including my work as a Corporate Controller – includes budgeting, management, and financial planning. I will bring skills and talents that are crucial to any governing organization and sorely lacking from this board.

Since the start of Superintendent Alvarez’s regime, treatment of our teachers – the people who spend 8 hours a day caring for, nurturing, and educating our children – has reached an all-time low. He has created a culture of fear in our schools that must end. I fully support the teachers and believe we must repair the damaged relationship between teachers and the board.

Somewhere along the way our district and board has lost sight of what matters – our children. Please cast your vote for me and send a message that children still come first in the Rye schools.

Jason L. Mehler
Rye, NY 10580"


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