US News Ranking Drops Rye High Seven Places to #68 Nationwide

Rye High School ranked high on the US News top high school list but still managed to drop seven places from #61 in 2013 to #68 in 2014. Still better than 19,332 other high schools on the list. But hey, we are all Type A and want to know why we dropped seven places, right?

Rye High also recently dropped in the Washington Post rankings as well.

Here is the rave that the school issued:

Rye High School stands out on both the state and national levels, having achieved top placements on US News & World Report’s list of Best High Schools! This list, released today, ranks RHS as #2 in the state and #4 in the country when looking only at open enrollment schools (not including charter and magnet schools). Out of over 19,400 high schools including charter and magnet schools that were analyzed, Rye High School ranked 68th in the country and 11th in the state.

US News & World Report used a ranking system that was based on how well high schools prepare students for college, student test scores, and other factors. Schools were distinguished with Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals – RHS earned a Gold medal, the highest honor. 

“We were thrilled to receive this excellent news and are proud of our high school’s impressive standing in the state and the country,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Frank Alvarez expressed. “Congratulations to High School Principal Patricia Taylor and her staff and students, as well as all of our administrators and faculty members at the middle school and elementary schools. This accomplishment is reflective of dedication and hard work throughout the District.”

Read the US News write-up on Rye High.


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