Rye City Schools Fire Back at Teacher Suit

The Rye City school district responded to allegations made by two teachers as past of the testing debacle, saying the two teachers changed and check answers – which is (obviously) against the rules.

Jason Mehler, husband of Osborn Elementary School teacher Carin Mehler, is running for the Rye City Board of Education on May 20th.

The story:

"RYE – Osborn Elementary School teacher Carin Mehler told students to change answers during the state assessments in 2013, according to the Rye school district.

Dana Coppola, a Milton Elementary School teacher, asked students to raise their hands after fixing an answer so she could check it again and tell them if it was right.

These are some of the allegations detailed by the school district in a response to the two teachers' lawsuits filed in federal court, providing details for the first time into their alleged "misconduct.""

Full story at LoHud.com.


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