George Washington’s Rye History Enhanced by

We enjoy the intersection of American history and Rye City here at

As a consequence, we were heartened when George Washington's Mt. Vernon estate accepted a bit of George Washington history from Rye – specifically a detail from his diary on visiting the Square House back in 1789.

MyRye contribution to Mt Vernon interactive map

We submitted this story we ran back in 2008 on George, and the following excerpt has been published on Mt Vernon's interactive map:


New York · October 15, 1789

On October 15, 1789, George Washington recorded in his diary, that “After dinner, through frequent light showers we proceed’d to the Tavern of a Mrs. Haviland at Rye; who keeps a very neat and decent Inn.” This inn is preserved as the Square House museum."

"Thank you for your submission of the Square House in Rye as a point in the Washington’s World interactive map," Rob Shenk, Senior Vice President, Visitor Engagement at George Washington's Mount Vernon told in an email. "We did have a point set aside for Rye, but with your help we have now placed it properly over the Square House and have improved the description."


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