VIDEO: Central Amusements Playland Presentation and Q&A

Central Amusements, Inc. (CAI) presented its vision for re-inventing Playland (see their web site for this here) at the Rye Library this past Monday night vai cordination with local county pol and Rye resident Catherine Parker.

Andrew Dapolite and Craig Meyerson produced the video just below of the event for the Friends of Playland

Following the group's presentation is a Q&A session (29:00)

CAI and Standard Amusements were the two runners-up in a four-year-plus long process initiated by County Executive Rob Astorino to find an outside partner to manage and operate Playland. Astorino’s first choice, Sustainable Playland, Inc. (SPI), bowed out of consideration earlier in June 2014.

County Legislator Catherine Parker (District 7) expects to host another discussion in the near future with Standard Amusements presenting its plan for Playland.



  1. Parker announced on Monday night that there will be two more such meetings. Both at the Rye Free Reading Room (Rye Library) from 7-9pm.

    Mon. 11/3/14: Standard Amusements will make a similar presentation of their plan for Playland with a Q & A session.

    Mon. 11/17/14: There will be a review and discussion of Playland’s 2014 stats and hopefully further public discussion about what direction the park should now head in as far as actually privatizing management.

    Also the link above to ‘Friends Of Playland’ is not yet active. That should be coming in a few weeks.

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