Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker Considered Tonight by Rye Council

Blue Star marker

(PHOTO: The Blue Star marker would lok similar to this one.)

On the heels of Veteran's Day, Rye City Council will consider a request to install a Blue Star Memorial By-Way Marker in the City of Rye by The Ceres Garden Club of Rye.

The formal request submited to the council from Eizabeth A. Northshield, the Blue Star Committee Chair of the Ceres Garden Club, explained The Blue Star Memorial Program honors service men and women who have served, are serving or will be serving in the armed services with the placement of a marker.

The program originated in 1944 as a living memorial to veterans of World War II and is run by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. The members of the Ceres Garden Club will conduct fund-raising to cover the $470.00 cost of the plaque. The City Council is being asked to consider the request and the placement of the marker.


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