VIDEO: Rye Playland Stats and Vision + More on 11/17

ADDED: Download the November 3rd Playland powerpoint presentation.

Last week on November 3rd, Rye resident and Westchester pol Catherine Parker is hosted a discussion of the data from the 2014 season, and taking an inventory of folks collective vision for Playland. Watch the video:

Next: On Monday, November 17th at the Rye Free Reading Room from 7-9 PM, the principals of Standard Amusement, Inc., one of the finalists of the County’s RFP for the reinvention of Playland, will present their views.

Back on October 20th, Central Amusements Inc. (CAI), presented their plan for Playland (includes VIDEO). 

CAI and Standard Amusements were the two runners-up in a four-year-plus long process initiated by County Executive Rob Astorino to find an outside partner to manage and operate Playland. Astorino’s first choice, Sustainable Playland, Inc. (SPI), bowed out of consideration earlier in June 2014.

Playland is the County’s iconic 280-acre amusement park and recreation facility.



  1. Make sure not to miss minute marker 1:02 (one hour, 2 mins). That’s around the time Catherine Parker segues the discussion to giving SPI President Kim Morque a lead-in to state that he thinks the County should go back to square one and start a whole new RFP process. (because, of course, then *he* would be able to submit a re-tooled bid!) Interesting that he just *happened* to be sitting in the audience that night. He also left within five minutes of saying his little piece, so clearly he was there on a specific mission. You’ll be hard pressed to convince me he didn’t have that pre-arranged with Parker. Yes, that’s right, when he thought he had the contract in the bag Morque wasn’t calling for a new RFP process. It’s only now that he’s lost the bid and the other two finalists are still in the running to possibly get it that he thinks he should speak out about how poorly things were managed by the County Executive’s office and call for a do-over. It’s pretty incredible. Don’t miss it.

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