Learn How to Green Your Home with Rye’s Judy Martin

We can vouch for this one.

04-11-2010 003 weekly meeting

(PHOTO: MyRye.com House weekly meeting: Ron Pascione and Craig Simandl of BHK Builders, Judy Martin of Green Home Consulting and architect John Scarlato of JJL Properties. Meeting chairwoman Lauren Rosen has her back the the camera.)

She worked on the MyRye.com house and now you can learn direct from the source.

Judy Martin, principal of Green Home Consulting, is offering a series of classes at Wainwright House on how to green your home:

A Consumer's Guide to a Green, Energy Efficient Home with Judith Martin

Drafty house? High utility bills? Need to replace your boiler or hot water heater? Considering solar?

Join Judy and her guest speakers during five one hour sessions and educate yourself on how to tackle these issues. 

Guest speakers include an insulation and weatherizarion expert, geothermal and solar experts, a specialist in water purification, and an expert in "green" personal care and home care products.
During this 5-week series, topics include:

Week 1 Easy ways to increase energy efficiency
Week 2 Various heating, cooling and renewable systems
(i.e. geothermal and solar)
Week 3 Hot water heating and water purification
Week 4 Indoor air quality and low chemical exposures
Week 5 How to build or renovate a green home

5-Week Series
Fridays at 10:30-11:30am
Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 27 March 6
$90 (Member), $100 (Non-Member)
One workshop only $20 (Member); $22 (Non-Member)
Registration Deadline for Series Jan 28
Register Online or call 914-967-6080 

Location: Wainwright House
260 Stuyvesant Avenue
Rye, N.Y. 10580


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