We’ve Got Chairs! City Hall Fundraising Hits $26K

We checking in with Eleanor Militana at the Rye City Manager's Office to hear about the year end tallies for the fund raising to refurbish Rye City Hall. The fund raising effort was announced by Rye Mayor Joe Sack in July and enforced again during the 50th anniversary celebration of Rye City Hall.

The results of campaign in honor of Mayor John Motley Morehead to refurbish Council Chambers, initiated by Mayor Sack resulted in:

  • 61 donors contributed $250
  • 11 donors contributed $1,000
  • Two donors mailed in contributions of $100 and $300
  • The total contributions were $26,650.

"The response speaks to the commitment of the Rye residents to their City and the physical embodiment of the spirit of that City: Rye City Hall," said Militana. "Our Yankee thrift is to be commended as the chairs and flooring are original to the building and have been witness to countless meetings and celebrations over the course of 50 years. The donations will be used to replace the chairs and flooring, providing a much needed facelift and ushering in another 50 years of service in Council Chambers."


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