(Updated) State Bureaucrats Shocked at Mehler Mess


Rye Schools are saying there is a "serious problem with it" (the LoHud article) and provided a statement that was read by Dr. Alvarez at last night's Board of Ed meeting:

"Given significant inaccuracies contained in a recent article in the Journal News, it is important that we clarify the record for the public and provide the community with accurate information regarding this important matter.

The article contains an erroneous representation of facts by Arthur Schwartz, the attorney representing Carin Mehler.

In the article, Arthur Schwartz, attributes statements to the Executive Director of the State Education Department’s Test Security and Educator Integrity Unit, Tina E. Sciocchetti, which Ms. Sciocchetti has advised the District, in writing, were never made by her, to anyone, at any time.

The District continues to work towards an appropriate resolution of this matter and will do so irrespective of the actions of Ms. Mehler’s representatives."


According to LoHud, some state bureaucrats are shocked at the "Mehler Mess" – the ongoing saga of the Obsorn test mess where teacher Carin Mehler remains in limbo while the Rye Schools decide how to proceed in thier action against her:

"RYE – The head of the state Education Department's test security unit is alarmed that the case of reassigned Rye teacher Carin Mehler has been open for almost two years, her lawyer told The Journal News.

Tina E. Sciocchetti, the executive director of the Test Security and Educator Integrity office, has told Mehler's lawyer, Arthur Schwartz, in several telephone conversations that the office is seeking a speedy resolution of the case, Schwatz said…

Mehler, a tenured fourth-grade teacher at Osborn Elementary School was placed on administrative reassignment in May 2013 amid allegations of "improper coaching" on state tests. She is being paid close to $200,000 a year to stay at home.

The district has not brought any disciplinary charges against her, preventing her from having an administrative hearing with the state Education Department at which she could defend herself…

Mehler has rejected an offer from the Rye school district to pay a $25,000 in fine in exchange for being reinstated in her job. The amount was to be payable over two years. She is demanding a full hearing instead. The state allows the district three years to bring charges."

See the rest of the article.


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