Rye Principal: New Procedure in Wake of Bomb Threats

In a note to parents, Rye principal Patricia Taylor detailed a new student procedure in the wake of multiple bomb threats: "we initiated a new system whereby there is a sign-out sheet in every classroom for students needing to leave the room. I told the students that other measures may be considered if these threats continue."

Read the entire note:

Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015

Subject: Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Last Monday, March 9th, the HS/MS building was again the target of a bomb threat. Students, faculty, and staff were evacuated, initially across the street to the Rye Presbyterian Church parking lot, and then to Midland Elementary School. We remained there for about an hour, until we were given the "all clear" to return to building by the Westchester County Police.

On Wednesday, I met with each grade, speaking on behalf of the High School Administration, faculty and staff. I explained the seriousness of the actions being perpetrated against the school community. I informed students of the possible legal ramifications of their actions. I discussed the impact on everyone affected by these threats. I reminded students we have now missed three instructional days. The general consensus among the student body is that they are just as concerned and frustrated about these threats as we are. Beginning on Wednesday, we initiated a new system whereby there is a sign-out sheet in every classroom for students needing to leave the room. I told the students that other measures may be considered if these threats continue.

I encouraged students to share any information with us to help in the investigation. I provided them with information about how to do this on an anonymous basis. We continue to work closely with the Rye Police Department, and it is our collective hope that the person or persons responsible for this are caught and we can return to the the important task of educating our students. I sincerely regret that this is happening. We have so many wonderful accomplishments coming out of the students and faculty; it is difficult to see these events overshadow those many positives.

If you have any information or would like to further discuss this with me, please call me at 967-6100, ext. 1908.

Patricia B. Taylor


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