We’ve Got Smarties: Fourteen RHS Students Named National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists

2-24-15 RHS Natl Merit Scholarship Finalists and PTaylor 008

Rye High School is pleased to congratulate 14 seniors who have achieved Finalist status in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program Competition. This distinction was earned based on the students’ academic records, the school’s curricula and grading system, test scores, written recommendations, participation in activities and leadership, and essays. The students are:

Morgan Cobban
William Costine
Judson Ellis
Caleb Glassberg
Bonnie Gould
Amelia Haddad
Charles Hager
Chloe Jennings
Rebecca Jordan
Min Kyo Kim
Kiefer Mueller
Samuel Papert
Daniel Philip
JiCi Wang

The 14 Finalists are among approximately 10,000 students throughout the nation who are now eligible for scholarship awards. The National Merit Scholarship Program, which has been recognizing students for academic success since 1955, will notify approximately 8,000 Finalists that they have been selected to receive a Merit Scholarship award later this spring.

This past fall, the students were recognized as National Merit Semifinalists based on results of their PSATs, which serve as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program. In September, the District acknowledged their accomplishments with Rye Recognition of Excellence Awards during a Board of Education Meeting. Also commended at that meeting were seventeen National Merit Commended Students, and two National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholars.


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