Dems: Standard Amusements “Preferred” – Review Schedule Set

The Democrats over at the BOL – Westchester County Board of Legislators – have issued a schedule for reviewing the Astorino deal with Standard Amusements at Rye Playland.

In the pr sent over, Harckham, the pol overseeing the review says "this is a vendor that we had preferred all along". Pol and Rye resident Parker sounds more tentative, saying "These are different terms than what was originally proposed by Standard and I have questions for both the administration and the vendor."

The schedule includes a site visit by pols May 7th and all meetings are open. See the schedule.

Here is the pr:

Review Schedule Set for New Playland Agreement;
Legislators Expect to Meet 60 Day Timetable

(WHITE PLAINS, NY) After announcing a new agreement with a vendor to run Playland Park in Rye, the Westchester County Executive sent the proposed contract to the Board of Legislators for approval and asked that it be completed in 60 days. Legislators, including Pete Harckham (D-North Salem), who chairs the committee leading the review, has released the schedule of meetings to the public and anticipates that the Board will be able to meet the 60 Day timetable that was demanded by the County Executive.

The review will be conducted during the course of 12 meetings and will include discussions on the financial, physical, environmental and local impacts of the proposed plan as well as a site visit scheduled for Thursday, May 7th at 9 AM. “The purpose of this review is to make sure that the taxpayers are getting a solid deal,” Legislator Harckham said. “We believe that we can get our due diligence done in 60 days because this is a vendor that we had preferred all along. We are confident that the vendor will work with us in an open and transparent way during this process.”

Legislator Catherine Parker (D-Rye) stated, “We don’t want to see the same mistakes of the past happen again and we want to make sure that the county taxpayer is the receiver of a deal that is going to reduce the tax burden. These are different terms than what was originally proposed by Standard and I have questions for both the administration and the vendor. Any arrangement must include a real investment into the park and at the same time reduce the burden of debt that puts the park in the red and hands the taxpayers the bill.”

All of these meetings are open to the public and media.


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