Don’t Flush Earth Day: Tips & The Word from Local Rye Pols

Don't Flush Earth Day: Tips & The Word from Local Rye Pols – [our comments in brackets]. Enjoy the day!

Angry toilet

Catherine Parker's Celebration:

[Don't flush your opportunity to help] Today is Earth Day, and with that in mind I thought I would send a message out that would have one simple step that we can all take. What we send down our drains and toilets can hurt our environment, as well as cost millions of dollars of wastewater treatment equipment. If you are wondering what is and what is not safe to pour or flush down your drains, the following information may be useful…

By placing certain items into the wastewater transfer system clogs are formed, resulting in sewer backups. Please be advised that you can help prevent these obstructions by not disposing of certain products or items into the sink, toilet or other plumbing fixtures. In some cases, these products tell you they are flushable, but they are not and will lead to sewer backups.

Do not flush down the toilet:

Baby wipes, cleaning wipes (i.e. sanitizing, shop, dusting wipes or mop heads), toilet cleaning scrubbers, diapers, rags, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, latex gloves/condoms, large food scraps.

Don't flush

Other items which should not be disposed of in the sink, toilet or other plumbing fixtures are:
Garage waste products such as oil, grease, gasoline or antifreeze and household items like ashes, corrosives, glass, metals, paint, poison solvents or medicines.

Additionally, cooking oils and grease will cause clogs in the sewer pipe. If introduced into the sewer system, these products will congeal within the pipeline and eventually block the line so it restricts wastewater flow in residential applications. Grease and cooking oils should be placed into a can and disposed of, along with your regular garbage once cooled.

George Latimer's Celebration:

Senator George Latimer (D-Rye ) today reminded New Yorkers that April 22nd is Earth Day 2015 and encouraged New Yorkers to renew their commitment to protecting the environment and ensuring clean air and fresh water for generations to come.

[First, some history…] In 1970, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin declared April 22nd as Earth Day. A promoter of environmental issues, Nelson struggled for years to thrust the evidence of environmental degradation into the political mainstream. He organized a nationwide grassroots demonstration to allow people throughout the country to speak and express their concern for the land, rivers, lakes and air. This event brought the nation together and led to the creation of Earth Day.

[Then the work] This year Senator Latimer is supporting several bills which will help protect the environment here in New York including; S.3932 by Senator Tom O’Mara, R-Big Flatts, which will outlaw the use of microbeads in household products that end up in our waterways, and S. 4102 by Senator Phil Boyle, R-Bay Shore, which will allow the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to remove toys from the shelves of stores if they contain toxic chemicals.

[Then what you can do… read a web site!] For more information on how to make a difference and live green, go to the Department of Environmental Conservation website at

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