Foot Fetish Wacko at Rye’s Osborn School

More craziness at Rye Schools. Superintendent Alvarez is reporting a foot fetish wacko was observed at Osborn School:

From: Frank Alvarez 

Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2015 
Subject: Suspicious Incident at Osborn School

Dear Rye City School District Parents and Guardians:

I wanted to make Rye City School District parents aware of a suspicious incident that occurred today on Osborn School grounds. An adult, female Rye City School District employee was approached while sitting in her parked car in the front parking lot of the school by an adult male who expressed an interest in looking at her feet and her shoes. The employee verbally declined, and exited the parking lot. The man did the same immediately thereafter. He is described as a man in his 40s driving a dark blue Volkswagen sedan with New York plates.

While we do not feel that any children are in danger this time, we wanted you to be aware as the incident took place on Osborn School property during school hours. The Rye Police Department have been contacted, and are investigating. Jim Fleming, the Osborn School Security Guard, has notified all faculty and staff at Osborn to be on the lookout for the car or any other suspicious activity on school grounds. Osborn parents are advised to do the same, and to contact Principal Garcia or Mr. Fleming if they observe anything out of the ordinary.

Thank you, and we will keep you posted as any additional information becomes available.


Frank Alvarez


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