School Budget Q&A: Web-Ex or the Bar?

Make of this what you will. With the school budget vote around the corner (Tuesday May 19th), the school PTOs are doing what they can to answer questions about the budget and build support.

Talking to your constituents can take many forms…

The Osborn PTO and the Midland PTO have divergent approaches – one involves a web cast, the other a bar…

On Wednesday, April 29th at 2pm the Osborn School  PTO is hosting a Budget Q&A with School Board member Katy Glassberg in the faculty lounge and also providing a webcast / videoconference dial-in (To access videoconference: https://global.gotomeeting. com/join/716363501 OR Call in using your telephone. Dial +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 716-363-501 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting Meeting ID: 716-363-501 You may email questions in advance to: [email protected].)

Later on Wednesday (happy hour!) you can head over to Rye Grill and Bar from 6:30-8:30pm Wednesday night for drinks and appetizers and another Budget Q & A with Board of Ed members hosted by Midland's PTO.


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