Next Time Congressman, Know Our Mayor’s Name

Not sure who else caught this one during the Memorial Day ceremony:

Congressman Eliot Engel, who showed up late, apparently does not know the name of Rye's Mayor Joe Sack. During Engel's comments when folks like Latimer and Otis got the nod, Joe got sacked.

Bad form. Even if you have no idea, at least make sure your wing man gives you the right notes.

There are 15,000 residents – about 10,000 of voting age – and a lot of money.


Eliot and Joe



  1. Congressman Engel’s speech was the only negative part of what was truly a wonderful day. The event was well organized, well attended with great speakers and tributes to our Veterans, with the exception of Mr. Engel’s speech. He went on way to long and focused more on himself than our Veteran’s, going so far as to pat himself on the back for a poem he wrote while he was 8 years old. He shamelessly took the opportunity to give a campaign speech focusing on what HE has done for his constituents. The agenda without Mr. Engel would have been perfect. Tim Kirby, Orchard Ave

  2. Engel’s cluelessness about Rye’s mayor reinforces his irrelevance to Rye and Westchester. The redistricting that brought him to us was a setup. Sending him back to NYC where he belongs will have to wait for the next redistricting which will be in, what, 10 years?

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