Rye High Climbs on Washington Post America’s Most Challenging High Schools List

Rye High Climbed to #165 on Washington Post America’s Most Challenging High Schools national list.

Wash po schools

America’s Most Challenging High Schools ranks schools through an index formula that’s a simple ratio: the number of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and Advanced International Certificate of Education tests given at a school each year, divided by the number of seniors who graduated that year. A ratio of 1.000 means the school had as many tests as graduates.

Rye climbed back to 165 from a rank of 221 in 2014.

221 2014 83.80 3.00 4.220
179 2013 88.70 3.50 4.366
133 2012 88.70 3.50 4.490
107 2011     4.237
80 2010 86.60 3.00 4.310
56 2009 81.00 3.00 4.373
79 2008 90.30 2.30 3.784
74 2007 70.80 2.50 3.536

See the entire list. See the Rye listing.


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