Smart Kids Get Rye Playland Passes

Apparently the average Rye Playland-goer is smarter than the average amusement park attendee…:

County Executive Robert P. Astorino will honor Westchester students who met his “Astorino Challenge in Education,” or ACE, on Tuesday, July 7, at 1 p.m., at Playland.

Last September, Astorino issued his challenge to all Westchester County students in grades 6 through 12 – achieve a 3.8 G.P.A. (95 average or A average), or perfect attendance, throughout the 2014-2015 school year and win a free season pass to Playland. This is Astorino’s third year issuing the challenge. More than 900 Westchester students signed up this year, more than double the amount who signed up last year.

WHO: Rob Astorino, Westchester County Executive
Dr. Iris Pagan, Westchester Youth Bureau
Students who met the ACE challenge

WHAT: ACE challenge winners are honored and receive their season pass to Playland

WHERE: Playland
The Fountain Plaza

WHEN: Tuesday, July 7
1 p.m.


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