Meet Neighbors + Animals at Rye Newcomers and Neighbors Club’s Welcome BBQ


The Rye Newcomers and Neighbors Club will hold its Welcome Back BBQ on Sunday, Sept 20th 4-6pm at the Rye Nature Center. RNNC is a "friendly, vibrant, fun-loving community organization serving newcomers and residents alike".

For the BBQ, you will meet your Rye neighbors and also some resident animals–the nature center will have an animal handler at the event. No word if we are talking about bunnies or more exotic creatures.

Family member rate is $50 and non-member rate is $60. Sign-up here.

Other upcoming events later in October include Welcome Coffee and Playgroup sign-up, Cocktails on the Sound, Halloween Children’s party, Lunch Bunch and Ladies’ Book Club. Any questions contact the RNNC Co-Presidents Carol Annett or Carol Pouchie [email protected] at [email protected].


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