Rye City: September 11th Events: Service and Remembrance

Rye City is hosting a September 11th Day of Service and Remembrance.

Both events are open to the public:

#1 Service Day

Where: The Village Green
When: Friday, September 11th; 4:30 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.
What: Different Projects for all ages

  • Thanking First Responders – volunteers will make thank you cards which will be attached to rice krispie treats and given to local First Responders.
  • Book Drive – volunteers can donate new and gently used board and picture books which will be used by Open Door Family Medical Center.
  • Support Deployed Military- volunteers will write thank you letters to deployed military. Letters will be sent to Operation Gratitude, a national nonprofit that sends care packages overseas and includes letters in every box. The letters are the highlight of every package.
  • Create Math Games – volunteers will cut out pieces to make math games for kindergarteners and first graders.

#2 September 11th Commemorative

Ceremony will be held from 6:00pm to 7pm at the Locust Avenue Fire House. Speakers will include Mayor Joseph Sack, State Senator George Latimer, State Assemblyman Steven Otis and County Legislator Catherine Parker.


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