Culyer’s Candidate Q&A

Tune in all week long for Rye City Council candidate question & answer interviews.

Your Name: Jim Culyer

What Rye office are you running for: Rye City Council

Culyer JimPic10132015

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with politics, art and culture? The Journal News; Forbes; AARP The Magazine; Coastal Living; Consumer Reports

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with friends?

CULYER: The Rye City Review; The Rye Record

SEARS: What political leaders of today do you admire and why?

CULYER:  George Latimer and Steve Otis for their desire and willingness to cross political boundaries to meet the needs of their constituents.

SEARS: Why are you running for office?

CULYER: I love Rye; I believe in paying it forward; and a deep commitment to Community Service.

SEARS: Why are you running for office now?

CULYER: Today, I’m able to devote the time required to meet the needs of a Rye City Councilman; I want my grandchildren to be able to enjoy the same opportunities my family has enjoyed since coming to Rye some 32 years ago; Rye is a great place to live.

SEARS: What are the three most important issues in Rye City heading into 2016?


  1. Taxes, being able to provide the same level of services we have, but today under a “TAX CAP” environment.
  2. Infrastructure, since 2008 little has been done in this regard and today we are faced with a $50M Capital Improvement Plan that needs attention.
  3. Safety, of our sidewalks and roads, especially as it pertains to our children being able to walk to school in a safe manner.

SEARS: What are the three of the most important capital projects that need to be funded in 2016 and how much does each one cost?


  1. Flood mitigation: with $3 Million of approved grant money, immediate attention needs to be provided to ensure the work as outlined in the grant gets accomplished in a timely manor.
  2. Streets and Sidewalks – Funding Ongoing!
  3. Sewer (Waste Treatment Plant) Funding unknown at this time.

SEARS: Please answer the following statements yes or no.



Yes or No

Optional: one sentence explanation.

Rye Playland is a pawn in county politics



Rye Playland does not need to be re-invented by anyone, leave it alone


It needs major renovation, upgrades, repair, not necessarily re-invented.

Rye Playland will be in good hands with Standard Amusements



Rye Town Park should be controlled (or owned) by Rye City



Rye City is prepared for the next “100 year” flood



Rye City should have additional restrictions on residential development



Rye City property taxes are too high


The tax rate in RYE is extremely LOW when compared to other surrounding communities; HOME VALUES are very high. Rate times value make up your tax bill!

Rye City needs to reduce its deer population by active management including sharp shooters or bow hunting


Together with neighboring communities and in unison with the County of Westchester taking the lead; they have the knowledge and experience.

Rye City needs additional professional fire fighters



The Starwood project on the Port Chester boarder is generally a good idea


However, Rye residents need a strong backing from the Rye City Council to ensure Traffic Mitigation; Noise Mitigation; Air pollution are all kept in check.

Rye Golf Club is better but still a mess and needs aggressive oversight


Continues to need a strong aggressive oversight by the Rye City Council

Rye City parking downtown is a serious mess and has a negative impact on local business and residents enjoying downtown


As outlined in the 1985 Master Plan, this continues to be a very serious issue that needs immediate attention.

Rye City paid meter parking downtown has a negative impact on local business and on residents enjoying downtown



Rye City has a serious issue with residents texting while driving and remediation steps need to be taken


Not only texting, but also talking on cell phones while driving as well as making illegal turns, etc. on Rye roads; enforcement is needed to resolve these issues.

Rye City should be more pedestrian and bike friendly


I believe Rye is for the most part pedestrian and bike friendly, we do need to pay more attention to the SAFETY issue, especially when it comes to children walking to and from school.

Tell us more about you:

SEARS: What do you do for your day job and how is it relevant to serving Rye City?

CULYER: Retired – My time is my own, I am available and have a flexible schedule; Providing childcare for my grandchildren allows me the ability to spend time at the Library; Playgrounds (Rye Rec.) and YMCA keeping me current with youth activities while walking through out the downtown area.

SEARS: Tell us about your family, why you moved to Rye and how many years you have lived in Rye.

CULYER:  4 generational family living in Rye; Mother in law; Wife; Daughter/Son in Law and two grandchildren.  I have three children, all graduates of Rye High School. I have five grandchildren.  My wife (also a Rye High graduate) and I moved to Rye 32 years ago. Why: Family; Education system; Recreation (past members of Rye Golf Club as well as slip holders in the Rye Marina); close to NYC. As someone once said: Location, Location, Location. We love RYE.

SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye traditions?


  1. Rye vs Harrison Football game
  2. Rye Little League Parade through town
  3. Midland School Parade and Fair

SEARS: If you could go to the airport right now with friends or family and fly anywhere in the world for vacation, who would you take and where would you go?

CULYER: 1) Wife – St. Croix;  2) Wife, Family – children – grandchildren DISNEYWORLD

SEARS: If you could create an endowment to fund any existing non-profit you designated, what lucky non-profit organization would that be?

CULYER: For the children (Rye Fund for Education) and seniors (SPRYE) in Rye that need the assistance.

SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye restaurants


  1. Kelly’s
  2. Town Dock
  3. Rye Bar and Grill; Ruby’s; Morgan’s Fish House

Thanks Jim!


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