Mecca’s Candidate Q&A

Tune in all week long for Rye City Council candidate question & answer interviews.

Your Name: Richard Mecca

What Rye office are you running for: I am running for re-election for a full four year term for Rye City Council.

Mecca head shot Rich_300dpi

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with politics, art and culture?

MECCA: Two daily newspapers, two weekly newspapers, books and many magazines.

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with friends?

MECCA: Same newspapers, books and magazines.

SEARS: What political leaders of today do you admire and why?

MECCA: Scott Walker from Wisconsin for trying to change the status quo. Rob Astorino for trying to change the status quo here in Westchester.

SEARS: Why are you running for office?

MECCA: I am actually running for re-election because I feel this council is very good at looking at all issues very thoroughly. I have served on the Planning Commission as well as the Board of Architectural Review and have a good grasp of the issues facing Rye.

SEARS: Why are you running for office now?

MECCA: I was appointed to serve one year and ran unopposed for one year. I would like to keep the current city council on an even keel. I still have a lot to contribute.  

SEARS: What are the three most important issues in Rye City heading into 2016?


  1. Negotiating the expiring City Labor agreements. We need fair and just contracts for both our city workers and taxpayer.
  2. The future of the Rye Fire Department. How can we improve service without breaking the budget?
  3. Health Care. How will the Affordable Health Care Cadillac tax on health care affect the City’s tax base.

SEARS: What are the three of the most important capital projects that need to be funded in 2016 and how much does each one cost?


  1. Purchase Street at Theo. Fremd intersection. We need to widen Theo. Fremd at Purchase Street for a left turn lane. Cost of $500,000
  2. 5 Points intersection at Midland and Grace Church. We need to eliminate the traffic lights at that intersection and change the crosswalks. Cost of  $250,000
  3. Boston Post Rd roundabout at Parsons. This will move the snow field closer to the High School Stadium, create a roundabout at Parson Street and allow for a new entry into Rye Nature Center. Cost of $650,000

SEARS: Please answer the following questions yes or no.



Yes or No

Optional: one sentence explanation.

Rye Playland is a pawn in county politics



Our County legislature sides with the County instead of the City of Rye.

Rye Playland is does not need to be re-invented by anyone, leave it alone



The County Gov’t has an attitude that screams “we don’t want to do this” when it comes to Playland

Rye Playland will be in good hands with Standard Amusements


They have experience in running successful parks.

Rye Town Park should be controlled (or owned) by Rye City


We have a year round interest in what happens there.

Rye City is prepared for the next “100 year” flood


No one can be prepared for a 100 year flood.

Rye City should have additional restrictions on residential development



Rye City property taxes are too high


Compare to my siblings we get a lot of services for our tax dollars.

Rye City needs to reduce its deer population by active management including sharp shooters or bow hunting


Culling the herd is a multi – year investment that needs to be started soon.

Rye City needs additional professional fire fighters


The days of the volunteer providing interior service are waning.

The Starwood project on the Port Chester boarder is generally a good idea


Port Chester has many needs that are not being addressed with the use of that property.

Rye Golf Club is better but still a mess and needs aggressive oversight


Rye Golf is on the right track.

Rye City parking downtown is a serious mess and has a negative impact on local business and residents enjoying downtown


More parking is a very expensive proposition and needs serious consideration

Rye City paid meter parking downtown has a negative impact on local business and on residents enjoying downtown


Most business districts have complaints with parking enforcement.

Rye City has a serious issue with residents texting while driving and remediation steps need to be taken


I see it daily. It is a common issue not unique to the City of Rye.

Rye City should be more pedestrian and bike friendly


If we can only to get the drivers to  stay within the posted speed limit.

Tell us more about you:

SEARS: What do you do for your day job and how is it relevant to serving Rye City?

MECCA: I am the Sr. Electrical Code Enforcement Officer for the City of White Plains. I understand City government and state Codes, Rules and Regulations. As a municipal employee, I am familiar with union contracts.

SEARS: Tell us about your family, why you moved to Rye and how many years you have lived in Rye.

MECCA: It was 1980 and the prime rate was 16%. The only house we could afford happens to be in Rye. Being from Port Chester, we were quite familiar with the “village”. We renovated our house on Horton Street and proceeded to expand our family.

SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye traditions?


  1. One – Midland School parade and fair
  2. Two-  Fireworks at Playland
  3. Three – Little league parade

SEARS: If you could go to the airport right now with friends or family and fly anywhere in the world for vacation, who would you take and where would you go?

MECCA: My wife Adrienne. We would go to Hawaii then to Alaska. The only states we have not visited.

SEARS: If you could create an endowment to fund any existing non-profit you designated, what lucky non-profit organization would that be?

MECCA: The YMCA. I like the “mind, body and spirit” concept.

SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye restaurants


  1. Watermoon because I like Asian style.
  2. Rye Golf because of the view down the 18th fairway
  3.  Dockside Deli for Sunday breakfast.

Thanks Rich!


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