Rye City: Prep for Hurricane Joaquin

The City of Rye is proceeding with preparations for the upcoming rain storms and monitoring the path of Hurricane Joaquin. Current predictions from the National Hurricane Center have reduced the possible effects as Hurricane Joaquin is tracking further east into the Atlantic Ocean favoring a track that heads away from the East Coast. Staff will continue to monitor the storm’s progress.

The Department of Public Works is clearing catch basins and ensuring that no debris is blocking river flows. All Departments have been given directives to prepare all emergency and storm-response equipment, materials, gas up vehicles, check generators, etc. Staff will be on-call and ready to report if need be for storm response.

We urge all residents to prepare your property to be on the safe side including:

  • Pack up and store all lawn furniture and umbrellas
  • Put away all loose outdoor toys
  • Check your homes and places of business to make sure the windows, doors, roofs, etc. are all secure and weather-proof
  • Check all outdoor gutters and drains on your property to make sure they are clear and able to handle heavy rainfall without causing flooding to your home
  • Prepare and check any emergency back-up generators or legally installed sump-pumps to make sure they are in good working order
  • Check flashlights and radios for batteries

If the event of an emergency, call 911. For all non-emergencies, call the City of Rye Police Desk at 967-1234, and press 0 for the Desk Officer.

If there is a power outage, please contact Con Edison at their customer service number of 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633). Please execute caution and be safe in the event of a power outage.

Do not use a grill or a kerosene or propane heater to stay warm indoors during a power outage. Using these devices indoors creates a major risk and likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning and a high risk of death.

Do not use your oven to stay warm in the event of a power outage.

If you have a generator, do not connect it to your home's power system unless it has been properly installed and disconnects you from the main power grid when it is operating. If you do not disconnect from the power grid, you can transmit electricity back into the power supply system, which could be harmful or deadly for Con Edison workers.

The City will provide updates through CodeRED and the City Listserv.


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