Sculti’s Candidate Q&A

Tune in all week long for Rye City Council candidate question & answer interviews.

Your Name: Leon Sculti

What Rye office are you running for: City Council

Sculti Head shot Leon_300dpi

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with politics, art and culture?

SCULTI: The Art of War, NY Times, Adweek

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with friends?

SCULTI: Texts and Emails

SEARS: What political leaders of today do you admire and why?


SEARS: Why are you running for office?

SCULTI: N/A See below

SEARS: Why are you running for office now?

SCULTI: Two years ago, I demonstrated a willingness to fight for what is right in doggedly pursuing allegations of criminal wrongdoing against the former Rye Golf Club general manager, leading to his arrest and conviction on felony larceny charges. Last year I was elected to the Rye Golf Club Commission and this year was elected the chairman of that board.  

While researching the purchase of the generic product that destroyed the greens at Rye Golf Club this summer, I discovered that the golf club was still not following New York State purchasing laws for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of golf course maintenance products, including the one that killed our greens. I have since brought those concerns–and others–to City Manager Marcus Serrano, who in turn asked me to share the documentation I received through Freedom of Information Law requests with a city attorney–which I did last month.

At the Oct. 7th City Council meeting, Mayor Sack announced that­, based on the public records I shared with the attorney, the City of Rye has retained outside counsel to conduct a full and complete investigation at RGC–which is ongoing today. 

Now just seemed like a good time to run for city council.

SEARS: What are the three most important issues in Rye City heading into 2016?


  1. Infrastructure including Flood Mitigation Projects
  2. Pedestrian and Traffic Safety
  3. Controlling Costs

SEARS: What are the three of the most important capital projects that need to be funded in 2016 and how much does each one cost?


  1. The Sluice Gate and SUNY Purchase retention ponds projects – The first projects to be undertaking with the $3 million NY Rising grant money – costs TBD.
  2. Streets and Sidewalks – Hundreds of thousands of dollars budgeted
  3. Sewers – Treatment plant efficiency, inflow and infiltration issues – costs TBD

SEARS: Please answer the following questions yes or no.


[Candidate did not provide answers.]


Yes or No

Optional: one sentence explanation.

Rye Playland is a pawn in county politics



Rye Playland does not need to be re-invented by anyone, leave it alone



Rye Playland will be in good hands with Standard Amusements



Rye Town Park should be controlled (or owned) by Rye City



Rye City is prepared for the next “100 year” flood



Rye City should have additional restrictions on residential development



Rye City property taxes are too high



Rye City needs to reduce its deer population by active management including sharp shooters or bow hunting



Rye City needs additional professional fire fighters



The Starwood project on the Port Chester boarder is generally a good idea



Rye Golf Club is better but still a mess and needs aggressive oversight



Rye City parking downtown is a serious mess and has a negative impact on local business and residents enjoying downtown



Rye City paid meter parking downtown has a negative impact on local business and on residents enjoying downtown



Rye City has a serious issue with residents texting while driving and remediation steps need to be taken



Rye City should be more pedestrian and bike friendly



Tell us more about you:

SEARS: What do you do for your day job and how is it relevant to serving Rye City?

SCULTI: As a real estate broker for over 15 years, I am familiar with the city’s Freedom of Information procedures, building code, assessment and tax policies, land use boards and neighborhoods. As an advertising copywriter I understand the importance of research and becoming an expert on my client’s product, competition and industry. My working knowledge of city policies, boards and departments, as well as a keen ability to research complicated issues, will serve the city well should I be elected to the council.  

As a real estate broker and advertising agent, it is my job to represent others in the most effective manner possible and to put their needs and wants ahead of my own. That is what I do, it is also the job of a city councilman.

SEARS: Tell us about your family, why you moved to Rye and how many years you have lived in Rye.


  • I moved to Rye in 1979
  • Graduated from Rye High School in 1985
  • Married my beautiful wife Margaret at Resurrection Church in 2001
  • We are raising three great young men who currently attend Milton and Rye Middle School

SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye traditions?


  1. The Rye-Harrison Game
  2. Little League Opening Day Ceremonies
  3. Halloween Window Painting

SEARS: If you could go to the airport right now with friends or family and fly anywhere in the world for vacation, who would you take and where would you go?


SEARS: If you could create an endowment to fund any existing non-profit you designated, what lucky non-profit organization would that be? 


SEARS: What are your three favorite Rye restaurants?


  1. The Roadhouse
  2. Town Dock
  3. Kelly’s

Thanks Leon!


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