Friday: “Idle Threat” Man on Emission Film Screening and Panel Discussion

"Idle Threat" Man on Emission Film Screening and Panel Discussion


(PHOTO: Turn off your engine. George Pakenham, the creator, star and survivor of Idle Threat.)

Co-sponsored by RCDS Parents Association Environmental and Wellness Committee and City of Rye Sustainability Committee

When: Friday, January 29th

Time: Refreshments will be served at 6:30 pm. Film will begin at 7:00 pm (run time: 65 minutes)

Where: Rye Country Day School, Performing Arts Center

Honored Guest: George Pakenham, the creator, star and survivor of Idle Threat

RSVP here (tickets are free)

Details: In a button down and tie, banker George Pakenham walked the streets of New York for over 5 years, politely confronting over 3,000 motorists to explain idling’s impact and the law prohibiting the running of a parked vehicle for more than a few minutes. No matter the response, Pakenham never wavers. He’s determined to expose the environmental and health dangers that idling poses and lobbies successfully for the city to enforce its idling laws. Featuring Click and Clack from NPR’s Car Talk and former Mayor Michael Bloomberg, IDLE THREAT highlights one man’s mission to make his city a healthier place. Sometimes all it takes is turning a key.

(VIDEO: Watch a preview.)

Chairs: Gretchen Kaye-Crowley and Sara Goddard

Committee: Dan Allen, Jessica Brown, Melissa Brown-Grieco, Jung Chai, Suzanne Clary, Carolyn Cunningham, Dorian Feckl, Michele Gershwin, Julie Killian, Linda MacKay, Colleen Margiloff, Annalise Stack, Birgit Townley, Melissa Yanis-Grand

Film Website:


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