If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Charge ‘Em: Snow Field Parking on Sale Monday, 9am

Back in August, Rye City said no parking on the snow field to Rye students who use the Boston Post Road field across from the school. Then in the fall, the Rye Football Association said no tailgating on the snow field.

If you can't beat them, charge them.

Fire-up your web browsers at get ready to buy Monday morning 9am sharp when a rare 100 snow field parking permits go on sale by Rye City.

You can buy the permits here on Monday, January 4th at 9am Eastern (and not before).

Details from the clerk's office:

The City Clerk’s Office will be selling Snow Field Lot permits, valid from January 1 to June 30, and later this year from July 1 to December 31. Parking will be restricted to the Snow Field Parking lot when the lot is open. The lot is subject to closure during any snow events. A parking permit does not guarantee that a spot will be available.

One hundred (100) permits will go on sale on a first come first served basis on January 4, 2016 at 9:00 AM. Please visit the NEWS Section of the City of Rye Website to purchase a permit and for additional information. 

Requirements for Snow Field Parking:

  • Driver’s license (applicant’s)
  • Registration (current)
  • Fee: $100.00 payable online for one-half year

The license and decal are Non-Transferable and only valid from January 1 to June 30. Tickets will be issued if permits are used at any time other than the specified dates or in any location other than the designated area.

The City of Rye is not responsible for any loss, damage or theft occurring within the Snow Field Parking lot. Those who apply for a permit agree that they park at their own risk.

If you have any questions please call the City Clerk’s Office at 914 967-7371.



  1. This is a joke right? Anything to make money in this town. I know most people can afford it but seriously charging to park in a mud field? It was never used as parking and only recently when it was needed was used as such. Field should be left to let anyone park there for after school events i.e. Sports events and for the snow in the winter. Permit? Really Rye it just keeps getting worse and worse for you. What will $10,000 do for your budget? Will that money be used to improve that area in regards to landscape? Or is this so you can kill tailgating at football games? Which is a long Rye tradition that has been going on far longer then most of these people have been residents or alive. I really get the feeling people like ex councilman Pratt (bully), who as Football assoc press put an end to tailgating, are anti Rye and have an agenda. Shame on you Sack and the likes.

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