Learn to Speak to Your Dog, February 28th at Wainwright

Joan Carra

(PHOTO: This woman will teach you how to speak with Fido.)

In 2014, she was the "the new psychic in residence at Wainwright House in Rye" and now she is back and will teach you how to speak with your dog. Or cat, or hamster or the animal of your choice.

WAINWRIGHT HOUSE, 260 Stuyvesant Avenue, Rye
Talking to Animals Intuitively at Wainwright House with Joan Carra, Psychic and Medium
Sun, Feb 28 @ 1:00 – ­3:00pm

Learn to listen and talk to your pets, even those who have passed on. In this 2 ­hour workshop, Joan Carra will teach you techniques for inter-species communications. 

After Feb 21: $40 (WH); $45 (NM). Register here. Any questions, call Wainwright on 967-6080 and bark.


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