Over 60 Turn Out to Talk Dirt at Wainwright

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(PHOTO: Max Apton on the left. Taro Ietaka on the right.

Over 60 people turned out for the Rye Healthy Yard Program Speaker Series held by the City of Rye Sustainability Committee & Friends of Rye Nature Center .

Max Apton, Founder, The Farmer's Garden (formerly of Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture) and Taro Ietaka, Rye Nature Center, Director of Conservation & Land Stewardship, talked about  what is – or should be – in our soil and provided tips for how to cultivate and maintain a healthy lawn. There was audience participation ranging from the novice homeowner to a number of professional landscapers. It is expected Rye TV will post a video of the session.

Read the Rye Healthy Yard flyer.

Read a more in depth ebook from the Cornell Cooperative Extension on a healthy yard.

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(PHOTO: The crowd clamoring to talk dirt.)


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