US Expected to Indict Iranian Hackers in Bowman Dam Incident Thursday

Bowman Suice Gate

(PHOTO: The Bowman Dam sluice gate from a news report last December.)

The Bowman Dam incident is back in the news. The dam, located in Rye Brook but controlled by Rye City, was hacked in 2013. The news of the hacking only came to light this past December.

We heard early this month there would be a formal indictment of Iranian hackers the US believes are responsible. The latest news says the US indictment will come as early as Thursday:

"The Obama administration is expected to blame Iranian hackers as soon as Thursday for a coordinated campaign of cyber attacks in 2012 and 2013 on several U.S. banks and a New York dam, sources familiar with the matter have told Reuters.

The Justice Department has prepared an indictment against about a half-dozen Iranians, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter. It is one of the highest-profile U.S. indictments against a foreign nation on hacking charges…

The charges, related to unlawful access to computers and other alleged crimes, were expected to be announced publicly by U.S. officials as soon as Thursday morning at a news conference in Washington, the sources said.

The indictment was expected to directly link the hacking campaign to the Iranian government, one source said. The banks will not be identified in the indictment due to fear of retaliation, the source said.

Though a planned indictment for the breach of back-office computer systems at the Bowman Avenue Dam in Rye Brook, New York, has been reported, it was only part of a hacking campaign that was broader than previously known, as the indictment will show, the sources said.

The dam breach coincided roughly with a spate of distributed denial of service attacks in 2012 that hit more than a half dozen U.S. financial institutions and the two episodes were long suspected of being connected…

In the intrusion of the dam computers, the hackers did not gain operational control of the floodgates, and investigators believe they were attempting to test their capabilities.

The hackers who were expected to be named in the indictment all reside in Iran, one source said."

Read the rest on Reuters.


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