Local Politics Does Not Quit at Rye Playland Veteran’s Event


(PHOTO: County Exec Rob Astorino (GOP) in center with the tie on, along with Julie Killian, candidate for NY State Senator (GOP) on front left and current Westchester County Legislator Catherine Parker (Dem) in the back… surrounded by the people that served our country.)

We thought this PR photo, issued by County Executive Rob Astorino's office, is a good reminder that politics is in full force, even when we are trying to pause to recognize the service of the men and women who have served in our nation's military.

“We gather here today, blessed to have the opportunity to say thank you, in person, to our veterans and your families, we consider all of you heroes,” said Astorino. “Memorial Day, is of course a somber day for reflection and gratitude for those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. Anybody who has spent time with a veteran knows that as far as they’re concerned, the true heroes are the fallen buddies lost on battlefields far away.”

Apparently it is also a day to put your political pals in the front row and your opponents in the back… In the photo you can see County Exec Rob Astorino (GOP) in center with the tie on, along with Julie Killian, candidate for NY State Senator (GOP) on front left and current Westchester County Legislator Catherine Parker (Dem) in the back… the way back… surrounded by the people that served our country.

This one seemed to jump out at us… maybe Catherine Parker is just photo shy…

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