DNA Totem, with Commentary on Earth’s Destruction, Comes to The Rye Arts Center

DNA Totem

One man’s trash is another woman’s sculpture. The newest work presented through The Rye Arts Center’s Public Art Initiative is The DNA Totem by Suprina. This thought provoking piece is a 9’6” high model of a DNA strand made of steel. The steel frame is embedded with hundreds of found objects, attached with epoxy, and coated with metallic/UV rated paint.

The looming structure serves as a reminder of the footprint we leave behind. Through her sculpture, the artist asks, “Is it in our DNA to be so destructive to our home?” She explains, “The sculpture is meant to bring up for discussion why we humans, who have such a similar DNA to all the other creatures of the Earth, are destroying our habitat. All other animals only produce waste the Earth can assimilate.”

Suprina is a New York-based sculptor. She shows in galleries in Chelsea, Harlem, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Newark, Morristown, Governor’s Island, Chicago, Scottsdale, and The Monmouth Museum, NJ.

The techniques used by the artist in this sculpture are not new to many students at The Rye Arts Center which offers classes in recycled art, mixed-media assemblage, and creative building.

DNA Totel Detail

“I am excited about this piece because it goes well beyond aesthetics. The DNA Totem serves as a catalyst for conversation.” says Meg Rodriguez, Executive Director of The Rye Arts Center. “It is a perfect example of art helping to promote positive change in the community.”

The Rye Arts Center’s Public Art Initiative is ongoing project that adds art to the landscape of Rye. Also currently on view is Damien Vera’s Cope in Rye Town Park. For both of these works, a brief audio tour with the artists will be available on the free app: Otocast.

The DNA Totem will remain on the lawn of The Rye Arts Center (51 Milton Road, Rye) on through the year, replacing Shelley Parriott’s Color Field Sculpture.


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