Rye Football OG Preview: Second Round Playoff Action – Friday, October 21 @ 7PM – Rye Garnets at the John Jay Indians

Rye Garnet Football – Second Round Playoff Action – Friday, October 21 @ 7PM – Rye Garnets at the John Jay Indians

By The OG


Not since 1988 many moons ago have Rye’s Garnets ambushed the JOHN JAY (KATONAH/LEWISBORO) INDIANS including 1930’s battles with predecessor Katonah High School in ’33 and ’34.  The Purple and White are one of only two (Edgemont the other) modern-day tribes holding a historical advantage over the Garnets, at 3-5-0 (.375%) or 4-5-1 (.500%) inclusive of the two 1930s contests with KHS, only counting teams Rye has fought more than once. 

If these braves are smart they will leave their long lodge house, gather their squaws, hitch up their painted ponies, quiver their crossbows, sling their arrows and head across Cross River to friendlier ground.  Rye offers no peace pipe to these warriors Friday night.  This Old Garnet just called Vegas and traded all his pelts and wampum for the Rye Garnets in Friday night’s Garnet invasion of the John Jay teepees. 


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