Rye Schools Say No to Creepy Clown Outfits for Halloween

Probably not a good idea if you are a Rye student and planning to dress up as a creepy clown this Halloween (and if you are a parent and do this, I'm calling the cops…).

"You can safely say that all the RCSD schools are strongly discouraging students from wearing clown costumes/masks this year in their varied communications to parents," said Sarah Derman, spokesperson for Rye City Schools.

Creepy clown

In a note to the Midland school community, Principal Jim Boylan said "When helping your child select a costume, please avoid those items that include weapons, excessive gore, and creepy clown masks." The Milton Bugle warned parents "Avoid overly frightening costumes. Pretend weapons of any kind are prohibited. This year we are asking all students to refrain from wearing clown costumes."

And in a letter home to parents about the tradition of high school seniors dressing in costume, Principal Patty Taylor said "Clown costumes will not be allowed under any circumstances."

Don't be a bozo!


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