PERV ALERT: Another Luring Incident in Rye

Perv alert

Rye City Schools are saying they have been notified by Rye PD in regards to a second "luring" incident in the area of Playland Parkway. School Super Monahan's note is below. The first luring incident was last Monday.

RyePD Composite Sketch of  Lewdness Suspect

(PHOTO: From Perv Alert #1 last week – Creep-o here "was described as a male white believed to be in his mid to late 20s. He had short dark hair that might have a red tint to it and an unshaven face, an apparent five o'clock shadow. He was wearing a short sleeve t-shirt that appeared to be light blue and he was wearing jeans. The distinguishing feature,   as stated by both victims, was that this man had crooked teeth and needed braces.")

From: Brian Monahan 
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 
Subject: from the supt. – another incident

Dear RCSD Families,
The Police Department has reported to me late this evening that there has been another "luring" incident in the area of Playland Parkway. The MO and description appear to be similar to the recent incident which I shared with you. The students that witnessed the incident were middle school students.
The Police and/or I will provide additional information as things proceed. I wanted you to have this information asap.
Brian Monahan, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools


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