Rye Rec Expands Deal with Santa, This Time Over Pancakes

Recently we told you Rye Rec had scored a deal with Santa where he will call your child at home. Now, upping the ante and just weeks before the big man with the big belly has to circumnavigate the globe in his sled, there is a new deal.

Santa pancakes

Rye Rec has arranged for Santa to come to the Damiano Recreation Center on Midland Avenue on Saturday, December 17th, 2016 at 10am sharp to have pancakes with Rye kids.


You need to register, a parent must also attend and the event is limited to up to 100 kids ages 2-7. There is a fee of $20 per registrant (children & adults). Non-residents add $2. You will enjoy a hot buffet breakfast and have your picture taken with Santa. Registration in advance is required as space is limited to 100 participants. Remember, a parent or guardian must register with their child for the event.

Santa requests that parents supply a wrapped gift for him to distribute to your child, valued under $20. Please drop off at Rye Recreation by Friday, December 9.

Register online (click on the Community Pass link then browse Fall 2016 activities).


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