Fresh Veggies from Local Farms Delivered to Rye Free Reading Room

Did you know you can "subscribe" to a bounty of fresh veggies and other locally sourced foods and pick-up your food each Wednesday afternoon at the Rye Free Reading Room?

Field goods family bag

(PHOTO: You can subscribe to a bounty of fresh, locally sourced veggies and other goods and pick-up your food Wednesday afternoons at the Rye Library.)

A service called Field Goods allows residents to subscribe to a weekly (or less often) bag of fruits and vegetables. Local delivery is made to the Rye Free Reading Room every Wednesday between 1:00pm – 5:30pm (1061 Boston Post Road). 

The company describes its mission:

"Our mission is to open the floodgates for the flow of local food by delivering food of superior taste, freshness, and nutritional value to our customers and to be a good partner to our farmers.

We believe that helping people achieve and maintain healthy diets is one of the most critical and cost effective ways to improve health. At the same time, support sustainable farming practices."

Prices range from $16 to $32/week plus add-ons. A "family bag" designed for 3-5 people is $32.

Learn more and sign-up here.



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