RUMOR (again): Rye’s Latimer Will Run for County Boss

Rumors have surfaced again that Rye's George Latimer, who currently serves as a State Senator, will run for Westchester County Executive. Latimer told he has been "thinking about it for a while" but "we have not made a formal announcement". According to Latimer, the recent rumor was started by a blogger, and those comments were picked up by News12. There goes the media echo chamber…

Goerge Latimer

Latimer's comments are similar to those he made in February on Facebook after a similar flurry of speculation:

"I've been asked by a number of people to consider running for County Exec. So I am thinking about it. But I've made no plans specifically to run and I've not made any type of commitment to run.

First off, the job: it is a serious chief executive job. I've chaired the County Board of Legislators for four years, so I've seen the CE job from a close-in vantage point. The responsibility is very real and running for the seat is not merely to win one for "our team". It necessitates a clear and persuasive vision for the County, one that forms the basis for the campaign and the Administration that might follow…

Then, there's the challenge of an intense and expensive campaign. The incumbent has proven his skills over two successful Countywide campaigns. I've won 3 tough Senate races in about 35% of the County – a good base, but a lot more Westchester is out there to compete in. Plus, this is a multi-million $$ race. Sad to say, until there's some real finance reform, a candidate will have to raise serious money."

Latimer started his early political career on Rye City Council and served in the State Assembly before his current position in the Senate. Laimer, a Democrat, would have to secure his own party's nominaion and then go up against incumbent Rob Astorino.


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