Purchase Street Work Means Detours and Delays

It could get messy the next couple weeks in downtown Rye. The city sent out a summary of the streetscape work that is taking place on Purchase, Smith and Elm Streets in downtown. It will look good in the end, but it means detours and delays over the next couple weeks.

Details follow.

Purchase street work

City of Rye Purchase Street Streetscape
Project Update: May 19, 2017

The City of Rye has completed all curbs, sidewalk, drainage, street lighting and tree installations. We appreciate your patience with our progress.

The contractor is now entering the final phase of the project, which involves the reconstruction and paving of Purchase Street, Elm Place and Smith Street. Given the nature of this improvement the City will need to implement traffic detours. To minimize disturbances as much as possible to day time users of the CBD, the City will also have brief periods of night work. The following provides the anticipated (weather permitting) phasing and timing of road construction:

PHASE 1 – Elm Place: Elm Place will be closed to traffic starting on May 21 from 10:00 PM to 10:00 AM. After 10:00 AM each morning the road will be open to traffic and parking. Work will consist of approximately five working evenings/mornings and include Elm Place and portions of Purchase Street. This will include all but the final top coat of paving. Sidewalks will remain open.

PHASE 2 – East Side of Purchase/Smith Street: After Memorial Day and until project completion, northbound traffic on Purchase Street between Locust Avenue and Elm Place will be detoured. Smith Street (except for its intersection with Purchase Street), Locust Avenue and Elm Place, as well as access to all City Carparks will remain open. Construction will be during the day and/or evening hours. This phase will also include the final paving of Smith Street between Purchase Street and Boston Post Road. Work is anticipated to take up to two weeks. Sidewalks will remain open.

PHASE 3 – West Side of Purchase Street @ Smith Street: Upon completion of Phase 2 the detour will be shifted so that work can be completed on the west side of Purchase Street. Work will be during daytime hours and include the final paving and pavement striping for Elm
Place and the remainder of the project area. Work is anticipated to take up to two weeks. Sidewalks will remain open.

We appreciate your continued patience as we near the completion of this project.


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