Rye Master Plan – First Public Session Tuesday, 7pm

The first public session on the update of Rye's master plan will be held at City Hall on Tuesday, September 26, at 7 pm.

The session will be facilitated by the city's planning consultants.

Rye Plan

The last master plan was completed in 1985, 32 years ago.

What is a master plan you say?


The City of Rye is developing the first Comprehensive Master Plan update since 1985 to create a strategic vision and prioritize implementable actions.

  • A Comprehensive Master Plan states where a community has been, where it is now, and where it wants to go, setting goals and recommended actions to ensure orderly growth.
  • The plan itself is not a regulation, but any new/amended land use regulation, such as zoning changes, must be in accordance with a well-reasoned comprehensive plan.
  • Many communities try to update the Plan every 10 years to ensure it reflects current demographics, planning efforts and development context–much has changed in Rye and the surrounding region since the last plan was adopted in 1985."

There is an entire site dedicated to the "CMP" – the comprehensive master plan. Check it out.


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