Rye Parent Rachelle Amira is Lost, Service Wednesday Morning

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Rye Parent Rachelle Amira has lost her battle to cancer. Rye schools shared the news in an email, and there is an active fundraising effort to assist the family with funeral and other expenses. The service is Wednesday, November 22, at 10 a.m. at Rye Presbyterian Church, 882 Boston Post Road. There will be a reception to follow in the church’s Assembly Room, concluding at 2:00 p.m.

She is survived by her three children, Alexis (RHS Class of 2010), Frank (RHS 9th grader) and Michael (RMS 6th grader / Osborn School alumnus), and partner, Frank Maro.

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From: RCSD Communications 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 
To: Rye City School District Recipients 
Subject: The Passing of Rachelle Amira

It is with a heavy heart that we inform the RCSD community of the passing of Rachelle Amira after a long battle with cancer.

She is survived by her three children, Alexis (RHS Class of 2010), Frank (RHS 9th grader) and Michael (RMS 6th grader / Osborn School alumnus), and partner, Frank Maro.

A celebration of Rachelle's life will take place on Wednesday, November 22, at 10 a.m. at Rye Presbyterian Church, 882 Boston Post Road. There will be a reception to follow in the church’s Assembly Room, concluding at 2:00 p.m.

A fund has been set up to assist the family with the funeral and other expenses. Visit https://www.youcaring.com/rachelleamira-1015816

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The fundraising page says:

"Our very dear friend Rachelle passed away earlier this morning. She fought a long and hard battle, always with grace. We are asking once again for the community to come together to help the Amira / Maro family pay for Rachelle's funeral and burial costs. Additional funds raised will help to pay for living expenses for the family.

In 2011, at the young age of 39, our friend Rachelle Amira was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a rare form of cancer that affects the plasma cells in her blood. She was initially given 3 years to live and, while the odds were discouraging, she fought a long and hard battle with courage and grace for more than 7 years. Anyone that met her could attest to her strength and resilience through the years. She greeted every treatment with a smile and every set back was inspiration to live longer. She never considered the fact that death was an option. Every day was a new chance to beat this disease. Rachelle was an inspiration to everyone she came across. She taught us all to make the most of the present moment and to smile through the hard times.

Rachelle is survived by three gorgeous children. Her older daughter, Alexis Amira is a successful college grad who lives independently in Massachusetts. Rachelle's two sons, Frankie and Mikey and the father of these adorable boys, Frank Maro live in Rye.

Rachelle was art educated. Art has always been her passion, her career path and her overall lifestyle. We're so grateful that her artwork can be a beautiful reminder of the love and light that Rachelle brought to everyone that met her.

To know Rachelle, is to love Rachelle. Please take your time to donate. Your help is very much needed and appreciated. Thank you so much."


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