Rye Schools Want YOU for the Board of Ed

I want you for rye schools

The Rye school system is calling for candidates for the Rye City School District Board of Education.

There are three seats up for election this year. Chris Repetto and Kelly Smith-Powers have both indicated they will run for re-election. Nancy Pasquale, after two terms, has indicated she will not.

BOE 2016-17

(PHOTO: The current Board of Ed: Vice President Karen Belanger, Blake Jines-Storey, Kelly Smith-Powers, President Katy Keohane Glassberg, Jennifer Boyle, Chris Repetto, Nancy Pasquale.)

Board President Katy Keohane Glassberg's term expires 2019, Vice President Karen Belanger's term expires 2020, board member Jennifer Boyle's term expires 2019 and board member Blake Jines-Storey's term expires 2020.

Want in? Here is the deal, below. And let MyRye.com know you are throwing in your hat…

Calling All Candidates

Any Rye resident interested in being a candidate for election to the Rye City School District Board of Education may pick up a candidate's packet at the District's Central Administration Offices, 555 Theodore Fremd Ave. Suite 101 B. school days between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. beginning March 21, 2018.

Eligible school board candidates must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old, qualified voters in the school district and able to read and write. They must be residents of their districts continuously for one year before the election May 15, 2018. They cannot be employed by the board on which they will serve or live in the same household with a family member who is also a member of the same school board.

Nomination to candidacy must be made by the submission of petitions which include the names of 100 qualified voters in the Rye City School District. Petitions must be submitted no later than April 25, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.

Blank petitions are included in candidate packets.

On the seven member Board, there are three seats up for election this year. The three Board of Education members whose terms conclude June 30th are eligible to run for re-election. The three candidates who receive the greatest number of votes will be elected to office. The term of office is for three years and begins July 1, 2018.

Questions may be directed to Elaine Cuglietto, District Clerk at 967-6100 ext. 6278.


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