Saturday: Little League Parade, Preceded by Joint City Council and Board of Ed Meeting

Saturday will be a busy day.

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(PHOTO: The 2017 Rye Little League Parade, just kicking off after stepping out from the staging area at Rye train station.)

First, there will be a joint meeting of the City Council of the City of Rye and the Rye City School District Board of Education on Saturday, April 14, 2018 beginning at 9:00am in the Rye City Hall Council Chambers. This is an annual event to discuss items of mutual interest.

And then, the big event at 11:30am – the 61st Annual Rye Little League Parade. The parade starts at the Rye train station, proceeds down Purchase Street and eventually winds up at Disbrow Park for remarks by officials and the opening of the baseball season.

Hopefully this means winter is finally over and spring will lead quickly to summer.


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